Small World Images is a stock photo services company specializing in wildlife, scenic, and underwater photography from around the world. The images on this site represent a small portion of a much larger collection that we have amassed over the last twenty years. Most of the images were taken in remote areas and some not far from home. Almost all of the wildlife shots are indeed just that, wild life. There are one or two images here that were taken of captive animals and they are marked as such in the caption. All images on this site are captioned with explanations of the images and the location where they were taken.
All of the images here can be licensed for publication and commercial use. If you don’t see what you are looking for here, give us a call, we probably have it in our files. For inquires, please contact us at : or call (805) 882-1819.
In addition, prints can be made from any of the images on this site. To find out more about prices, sizes, and types of prints, please email us at
As an Expedition Leader aboard various cruise vessels, Colin has explored some of the most remote and beautiful places in the world including South East Asia, the Amazon, Seychelles, Russian Far East, the South Pacific, Micronesia, the Canadian and Russian Arctic, Greenland, the North Pole, and Antarctica. The passengers aboard his ships look to him to serve as a part-time naturalist, travel guide and teacher. Through this combination of roles and his subtle use of color and design, Colin’s photography communicates the magnificence and grandeur of the unique sights around him.
“So many of us live our entire life surrounded by the comfort of familiarity. Even when we travel, we tend to stay close to places that seem ‘safe’. Through my photography, I hope to make exotic places such as Antarctica more accessible…to stimulate an awareness of the expansiveness of our world,” explained Colin. Additionally, Colin hopes that by sharing the beauty and diversity of these pristine locations, he can encourage their preservation.
Currently, Colin makes his home in Santa Barbara, California. Dividing his time between photography and keeping up with his two boys, he still finds time to guide natural history adventure trips, explore the Santa Barbara area and the undersea life of the Channel Islands.